Sitevision – förbättra söket med Nutch

Ett av Sveriges mest populära CMS verktyg är Sitevision, som används kanske främst av stora statliga myndigheter och kommuner. Valet att använda sig av Sitevision hos dessa myndigheter och kommuner är nog att det är väldigt enkelt för redaktörer och sidansvariga att använda och att underhålla informationen på sina sidor. Detta i en miljö där [...]

Experimenting with Open Source Web Crawlers

Whether you want to do market research or gather financial risk information or just get news about your favorite footballer from various news site,  web scraping has many uses. In my quest to learn know more about web crawling and scraping , I decided to test couple of Open Source Web Crawlers which were not [...]

Extern data sökbart i SharePoint Online

I min förra bloggpost  om extern data i SharePoint Online presenterade jag ett exempel på hur vi utan att behöva koda kan arbeta med extern data i SharePoint Online. Nackdelen med den lösningen var att datat i det fallet inte blev sökbart i och med att vi använde oss av en extern innehållstyp som var [...]

Extern data i SharePoint Online

I den här bloggposten kommer vi presentera ett exempel på hur man kan göra data från en Azure SQL Server databas tillgängligt att arbeta med i SharePoint Online genom att skapa upp en Business Connectivity Service, extern innehållstyp och en extern lista. Fördelen med exemplet är att man med endast konfigurering kan koppla en databas från Azure till SharePoint Online [...]

Content Enrichment Web Service SharePoint 2013 – Advantages and Challenges

If you have worked with search solutions before, you will know that very often there is a need to process data before it can be displayed in search results. This processing might be required to address some of(but not limited to) these common issues: Missing metadata issues Inconsistent metadata issues Cleansing of content Integration of semantic [...]

ELK stack deployment with Ansible

As human beings, we like to believe that each and every one of us is a special individual, and not easily replaceable. That may be fine, but please, don’t fall into the habit of treating your computer the same way.

Analysing Solr logs with Logstash

Analysing Solr logs with Logstash Although I usually write about and work with Apache Solr, I also use the ELK stack on a daily basis on a number of projects. If you’re not familiar with Solr, take a look at some of my previous posts. If you need some more background info on the ELK [...]

Elasticsearch: Shield protected Kibana with Active Directory

Elasticsearch easily stores terabytes of data, but how can you make sure users only see the data they should? This post will explore how to use Shield, a plugin for Elasticsearch, to authenticate users with Active Directory.

Voting patterns at the Norwegian parliament

A couple of weeks ago we saw the blog post visualizing the voting patterns in the Polish parliament. In anticipation of the upcoming election and in the interest of checking up on our elected representatives we thought we would do a similar analysis for the Norwegian parliament. First we will visualize a projection of the voting data [...]

How Elasticsearch calculates significant terms

Many of you who use Elasticsearch may have used the significant terms aggregation and been intrigued by this example of fast and simple word analysis. The details and mechanism behind this aggregation tends to be kept rather vague however and couched in terms like “magic” and the commonly uncommon. This is unfortunate since developing informative [...]

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