
Search: better user experience with one line of JavaScript

What’s the cheapest trick you can do to get a better user experience on your search solution, and make your users do better search queries? Add a small line of JavaScript in your template’s document ready function:

This will do two things for the user: It’ll be easier to see the search box . [...]

Search without search box: Recipe App – Alpha version

First thing first: I really like search as a technology. Not so much because how it helps us today, but how it can help us tomorrow. Especially on the UX front, stuff moves slowly. One of the biggest issues, in my mind, is the empty search box. That’s why I tend to look for solutions [...]

Main navigation for recipe app user interface ready

Our seasonal food recipe app is getting closer to some front end hacking. Just finished making a navigation sprite where you’re supposed to swipe horizontal to change place of food foraging, and vertical to change time of year (month). It’s based on our earlier created mental model and Christine Hørven’s interpretation. When you open the web [...]

User Experience for the Recipe App on Ipads and Android Tablets

More than half the traffic for the recipe site we’re indexing comes from Ipads and Android Tablets. Because of this we’ve chosen to do pad first, mobile second and regular laptop/desktop third. So first up are Ipads and Android Tablets. Recipe App User Experience on Ipads and Androids How to sort the result set The [...]

How to visualize absolute search result quality

Earlier, I’ve looked into how I could use the Phi spiral to possibly get a better display of what’s most relevant in a search result. A former colleague of mine, Johannes Hoff Holmedahl, did a quick test on the theory, and it may actually work. For the recipe app I want to do something slightly [...]

Relevance tuning in the search domain. What is it exactly?

First thing first! Let’s get rid of the bullshit bingo lingo: “Relevancy tuning” in search is a fancy description for something that’s not very magical, even if it sounds like just that. It’s about getting the right results on top of your search result. End of story. If somebody asks you a question, you should [...]

The seasonal recipe app: Tapping into the mental model

Our mental model for the seasonal recipe app is helping people use the best ingredients for any particular time of year is the goal for our little demo search app. Since a lot of people in Norway actually go into the nature and forage, fetch, pick, shoot and fish their own food, we wanted to [...]

The Seasonal Food Recipe Web Application

So, what’s this you ask? It’s a series of mini-hackathons some of us at Comperio are doing to achieve a small list of goals: Learn more about search, both tech and UX. Show that a nice search user experience doesn’t need a search input box. Show a search that is light weight. Generally, build something [...]

How to monetize with a zero result strategy!

In Comperio, we create and develop a lot of interesting search solutions for our customers. The UX designers do user interviews, create personas, user stories, concepts analysis and interaction design. The developers follow up with content analysis, installation of software, configuration, development, and a lot of relevancy tuning: “How can we ensure that the right [...]

Et bedre personsøk

Jeg har laget mange internsøk de siste årene. Og i brukerintervjuene vi har gjennomført i forprosjektene, har vi funnet at de aller fleste leter etter mennesker: Enten etter et telefonnummer, eller etter eksperten på et fagområde. Målet vårt er ofte å lage en “intern Google” for kundene våre. Det betyr at vi må forstå hva [...]


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Øvre Slottsgate 27
NO-0157 Oslo,
+47 22 33 71 00
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Search Provider Sverige AB
Gamla Brogatan 34
SE-11 120 Stockholm
+46 8-21 49 00
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