user experience

Et bedre personsøk

Jeg har laget mange internsøk de siste årene. Og i brukerintervjuene vi har gjennomført i forprosjektene, har vi funnet at de aller fleste leter etter mennesker: Enten etter et telefonnummer, eller etter eksperten på et fagområde. Målet vårt er ofte å lage en “intern Google” for kundene våre. Det betyr at vi må forstå hva [...]

Better people search

For the last year I have made a few internal searches. Almost every user interview I attend, we find that people are looking for people. Either a colleague’s phone number or email, or an expert on a specific field area. Our goal is often to make “an internal Google” for our customers. That indicates that [...]

Tiles: the new search result?

100% of the users know they are looking for a document and not a colleague. So why are we showing them both documents and people in the same search result? A few weeks ago, my colleague Harald and I carried out user interviews at a customer for their “internal Google” solution. Before starting to developing [...]

When design ruins the solution

What happens if we focus too much on user experience, for instance design, and to little on other areas of the production line? In the Russian army … it killed several soldiers. In Comperio, this is “our holy scripture”: We believe that the best solutions hit the center of where the three circles of “Business [...]

Five quick design improvements to your search design

OK. I know you want it. Quick fixes to make your search results look better. These five points will not give you a perfect or necessarily user friendly search results page … but maybe it will be a bit better than before. 1. Enlarge your search box! Why are you hiding it ? Screenshot:  [...]

12 User Experience Classics

Working with search and user experience, I have found plenty of inspiration in many well-written books, articles and lectures. Most of these inspirational sources deal with specific and applicable things like faceted search, design documentation, personas and user testing – familiar topics for everybody who practice user experience design. Other reading experiences leave a deeper [...]

Making logical design attractive

Here at Comperio we love making design logical. But how do we combine logical design with design that is innovative and modern – design that makes your product stand out more than your competitors product? First of all: How do we define the term logical design? By logical design we mean graphic design with the user [...]


Comperio AS
Øvre Slottsgate 27
NO-0157 Oslo,
+47 22 33 71 00
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Search Provider Sverige AB
Gamla Brogatan 34
SE-11 120 Stockholm
+46 8-21 49 00
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