
Elastic{ON}15: Day one

March 10, 2015 At Comperio we have been speculating for a while now that Elasticsearch might just drop search from their name. With Elasticsearch spearheading the expansion of search into analytics and all sorts of content and data driven applications such a change made sense to us. What the name would be we had no [...]

Crafting elasticsearch queries in Python.

Creating JSON-like structures in Python (or any other programming language), can be a cumbersome experience. Consider this snippet from the elasticsearch-py library, taken from the example/query.py file: I would argue that 33 lines for creating the facets above is too much. To save you from the dreaded hassle of writing JSON in your programs, I [...]

Idea: Your life searchable through Norch – NOde seaRCH, IFTTT and Google Drive

First some disclaimers: This has been posted earlier on lab.klemespen.com. Even though some of these ideas are not what you’d normally implement in a business environment, some of the concepts can obviously be transferred over to businesses trying to provide an efficient workplace for its employees. Norch is developed by Fergus McDowall, an employee of [...]

ComperioFrokost 17. oktober

Takk til alle 65 deltakerne på vårt frokostseminar på Continental i morges!
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Bitbucket to Elasticsearch Connector

“Ability to search source code? (BB-39)” is an issue created in July 2011 on Bitbucket and its status is still new. If you have used Bitbucket before, you would have certainly noticed that there is no way to search in a repository’s source code. Now what if you had more than 200 repositories (as is [...]

ELK in one (Vagrant) box

In this blog post we introduce a Vagrant box to easily create configurable and reproducible development environments for ELK (Elasticsearch, Logastash and Kibana). At Comperio, we mainly use this box for query log analysis using the ELK stack. In case you don’t know, Vagrant is a free and open-source software that combines VirtualBox (a virtualization [...]

SharePoint ULS log analysis using ELK

E is for Elasticsearch Elasticsearch is an open source search and analytics engine that extends the limits of full-text search through a robust set of APIs and DSLs, to deliver a flexible and almost limitless search experience. L is for Logstash One of the most popular open source log parser solutions on the market, Logstash has the possibility of reading any data source [...]

Dictatorial control over recipe search results using elasticsearch and function_score

Once the design for the seasonal recipes app started coming into place, we soon saw there was something fishy about the results. Elasticsearch and custom relevancy to the rescue!

ComperioFrokost 11. juni

Takk til alle 55 deltakerne på vårt frokostseminar på THE THIEF onsdag morgen! Noen utvalgte bilder fra arrangementet:

Searching for “miljø” inside of “arbeidsmiljø” using Elasticsearch and the ngram tokenizer

Compound words are a big problem for Norwegians. The young don’t know how to use them, search engines struggle with them as well. Elasticsearch and the ngram tokenizer offers one possible solution.


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Øvre Slottsgate 27
NO-0157 Oslo,
+47 22 33 71 00
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Search Provider Sverige AB
Gamla Brogatan 34
SE-11 120 Stockholm
+46 8-21 49 00
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