When design ruins the solution

What happens if we focus too much on user experience, for instance design, and to little on other areas of the production line? In the Russian army … it killed several soldiers. In Comperio, this is “our holy scripture”: We believe that the best solutions hit the center of where the three circles of “Business [...]

In Relevance We Trust

Relevance-based sorting has been the modus operandi for search solutions in the enterprise for quite a while. Even so, many search GUIs still provide alternate sorting based on static metadata. Are we now finally reaching a point where that fall-back is no longer needed? I think so.

An exhaust fan with hidden talents

Four years ago I moved into a newly built house, which of course came with a new kitchen. After four years, the exhaust fan in this kitchen taught me a lesson about pretty design vs. a good user experience. This is how the exhaust fan over the stove our looks: It’s a pretty standard fan, which [...]

Facet amounts made scannable by order of magnitude

Faceted search and facet amounts are one of the functions that makes searching in huge result sets bearable. And having the facet amounts explained with numbers to tell how many results each facet contain is a must. Problem is, it’s not very readable or scannable. This is an easy problem to fix.

To Err is Human: eliminating search errors

For even the most well-planned enterprise search projects, there is still going to be a variable factor – that variable is people, or end users. Even those with the sharpest minds and walls full of certificates and diplomas are prone to making mistakes when it comes to interfacing with technology. Comperio’s “Sprint Zero” approach can uncover some of [...]

Five quick design improvements to your search design

OK. I know you want it. Quick fixes to make your search results look better. These five points will not give you a perfect or necessarily user friendly search results page … but maybe it will be a bit better than before. 1. Enlarge your search box! Why are you hiding it ? Screenshot: TMZ.com  [...]

New Logo and Brand Identity for Comperio

Today we are launching a new brand identity for Comperio. As of now we are stronger, prouder and more clear on what we are: search evangelists! A year ago the Comperio Design Team started with planning and researching for what today has resulted in a new brand identity. It includes a new logo, new branding of services [...]

12 User Experience Classics

Working with search and user experience, I have found plenty of inspiration in many well-written books, articles and lectures. Most of these inspirational sources deal with specific and applicable things like faceted search, design documentation, personas and user testing – familiar topics for everybody who practice user experience design. Other reading experiences leave a deeper [...]

Ultimate Reading List for Search UX Practitioners

Enthusiastic search technology and UX practitioners have no shortage of inspiring books to adorn their bedside tables. Countless books on information architecture, interaction design, user testing and design documentation could keep you occupied well into the next wave of occupational fads. If you have read everything else of interest – and want to pump yourself up [...]

User-friendly design in my grocery store

How can you make your search solution easier to use for your users? By trying to understand how they think, and what their challenges are. Yesterday I went to the store to buy oregano and pizza seasoning mix, amongst other things. Usually I use two or three hours in front of the seasoning shelves to [...]

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+47 22 33 71 00
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Search Provider Sverige AB
Gamla Brogatan 34
SE-11 120 Stockholm
+46 8-21 49 00
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