The seasonal recipe app: Tapping into the mental model

Our mental model for the seasonal recipe app is helping people use the best ingredients for any particular time of year is the goal for our little demo search app. Since a lot of people in Norway actually go into the nature and forage, fetch, pick, shoot and fish their own food, we wanted to [...]

The Seasonal Food Recipe Web Application

So, what’s this you ask? It’s a series of mini-hackathons some of us at Comperio are doing to achieve a small list of goals: Learn more about search, both tech and UX. Show that a nice search user experience doesn’t need a search input box. Show a search that is light weight. Generally, build something [...]

How to monetize with a zero result strategy!

In Comperio, we create and develop a lot of interesting search solutions for our customers. The UX designers do user interviews, create personas, user stories, concepts analysis and interaction design. The developers follow up with content analysis, installation of software, configuration, development, and a lot of relevancy tuning: “How can we ensure that the right [...]

Et bedre personsøk

Jeg har laget mange internsøk de siste årene. Og i brukerintervjuene vi har gjennomført i forprosjektene, har vi funnet at de aller fleste leter etter mennesker: Enten etter et telefonnummer, eller etter eksperten på et fagområde. Målet vårt er ofte å lage en “intern Google” for kundene våre. Det betyr at vi må forstå hva [...]

Better people search

For the last year I have made a few internal searches. Almost every user interview I attend, we find that people are looking for people. Either a colleague’s phone number or email, or an expert on a specific field area. Our goal is often to make “an internal Google” for our customers. That indicates that [...]

Ideas on user driven content and search

What do you do when you have  a lot of content, but not many users interacting with it? Ideas for Comoyo on how to go from boring lists to a suggestion engine, letting the users do the heavy lifting. User driven content and search Check out the presentation on LinkedIn: “Ideas on how to find [...]

Redesigning Netflix – using the Phi spiral

Last week my colleague, Espen Klem, wrote a post about designing a better search result using a visual relevancy-hierarchy building on the Phi spiral. I thought I’d test it out. I decided to use a website that lots of people use – or at least; a kind of page that people could relate to. So I [...]

Visual relevancy hierarchy creating a better search result using the Phi spiral?

Today, most search solutions will give you the results as a list from 1 to 10. Problem is, they’re not very appealing, and don’t do the task at hand very well. At the top of the list, it’s okay. Number 1 gets most clicks, number 2 a little less, number three even less, but then [...]

Tiles: the new search result?

100% of the users know they are looking for a document and not a colleague. So why are we showing them both documents and people in the same search result? A few weeks ago, my colleague Harald and I carried out user interviews at a customer for their “internal Google” solution. Before starting to developing [...]

Når design ødelegger løsningen

Hva skjer hvis vi fokuserer for mye på brukeropplevelse, for eksempel design, og for lite på andre områder av produksjonslinjen? I den russiske hæren … drepte det flere soldater.   I Comperio er dette “vår hellige skrift”:   Vi mener at de beste løsningene befinner seg i sentrum hvor de tre sirklene av “Business”, “User [...]

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Øvre Slottsgate 27
NO-0157 Oslo,
+47 22 33 71 00
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Search Provider Sverige AB
Gamla Brogatan 34
SE-11 120 Stockholm
+46 8-21 49 00
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