FAST ESP Advanced Linguistics — Part 3/3

This series of blog posts covers how to set up FAST ESP special tokenization, character normalization, phonetic normalization and lemmatization.

FAST ESP Advanced Linguistics — Part 2/3

This series of blog posts covers how to set up FAST ESP special tokenization, character normalization, phonetic normalization and lemmatization.

FAST ESP Advanced Linguistics — Part 1/3

This series of blog posts covers how to set up FAST ESP special tokenization, character normalization, phonetic normalization and lemmatization.

SharePoint search display templates made easy

One of the most interesting features in SharePoint 2013 are the display templates. This blog post will describe how to customize a search display template in order to show the item created date. The display templates are located in the site collection root site, under the _catalogs/Display Templates folder. Each template has two files: the html [...]

Using Parent/Child Relationships for Document Security in Elasticsearch

Problem description Our documents have a huge content part with text, images, title, author, etc. that rarely or never changes. Other metadata fields can change more often and are only used for filtering, not relevancy scoring. The example meta data I will use here is a ‘classification’. When the classification or other status changes, we [...]

Searching for “miljø” inside of “arbeidsmiljø” using Elasticsearch and the ngram tokenizer

Compound words are a big problem for Norwegians. The young don’t know how to use them, search engines struggle with them as well. Elasticsearch and the ngram tokenizer offers one possible solution.

Instant Search in SharePoint 2013

Have you been thinking about implementing instant search to your SharePoint 2013 project, but not quite sure where to start? In this blog post I will try to explain how you can easily enhance the search experience in SharePoint 2013 in a few simple steps. Instant search is widely known as «the way Google do [...]

Search templates in elasticsearch

Using search templates simplifies the life of the client searcher. Now she can have an elasticsearch query DSL expert create search templates for him, hiding away all the ugly booleans, weightings, facets and what have you, while she relaxes in his armchair emitting simple searches for ‘beetroot’ or any other favourite vegetable, fish, meats, dairy, or [...]

Tech choices for the seasonal recipes app: A skeleton architecture for working with search relevancy

Although the concepts and sketches for the recipe app are the absolute best of the best, we were unfortunately forced to realize that an actual search solution must take the step down from the platonic world of pure ideas and into the hideous, gory and appalling world of bits, slime and bytes. 

Dynamic search ranking using Elasticsearch, Neo4j and Piwik

Getting the correct result at the top of your search results isn’t easy. Anyone working within search quickly realizes this. Tuning the underlying ranking model is a job that just doesn’t end. There is an entire profession about search engine optimization, making sure your site gets as high as possible on Google (and Bing, I [...]

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