
Search technology: Picking the right horse

For many years, Solr was the only realistic choice for most customers wanting to do an enterprise search project based on open source. Things changed around 2010/2011 when Elasticsearch started to gain traction. The last few years, the community around Elasticsearch has been growing rapidly and the software is regularly downloaded approximately half a million [...]

Three new Comperians at the Oslo office

We are very happy to introduce three new Comperians to our Oslo office! Search consultants Sebastian, Ivar and Martin are ready to join our journey towards a search-driven world. Sébastien Muller comes to the company from the position as project leader in Findwise and will work as a consultant and advisor to Comperio customers. He will also [...]

Search templates in elasticsearch

Using search templates simplifies the life of the client searcher. Now she can have an elasticsearch query DSL expert create search templates for him, hiding away all the ugly booleans, weightings, facets and what have you, while she relaxes in his armchair emitting simple searches for ‘beetroot’ or any other favourite vegetable, fish, meats, dairy, or [...]

Elasticsearch Visits Comperio

Yesterday the legendary Shay Banon, inventor of Elasticsearch and Arie Chapman dropped into to Comperio’s Oslo office on their way to the Oslo Elasticsearch Meetup to talk about whats hot in Elasticsearch v1.x. Shay gave the team the lowdown on the latest functionality, and Arie outlined interesting cutomers and use-cases. Shay also talked about how [...]

Tech choices for the seasonal recipes app: A skeleton architecture for working with search relevancy

Although the concepts and sketches for the recipe app are the absolute best of the best, we were unfortunately forced to realize that an actual search solution must take the step down from the platonic world of pure ideas and into the hideous, gory and appalling world of bits, slime and bytes. 

ComperioFrokost 12. mars

Takk til alle 65 deltakerne på vårt frokostseminar på Continental onsdag morgen.
Last ned presentasjonene og se noen utvalgte bilder fra arrangementet.

Dynamic search ranking using Elasticsearch, Neo4j and Piwik

Getting the correct result at the top of your search results isn’t easy. Anyone working within search quickly realizes this. Tuning the underlying ranking model is a job that just doesn’t end. There is an entire profession about search engine optimization, making sure your site gets as high as possible on Google (and Bing, I [...]

The Seasonal Food Recipe Web Application

So, what’s this you ask? It’s a series of mini-hackathons some of us at Comperio are doing to achieve a small list of goals: Learn more about search, both tech and UX. Show that a nice search user experience doesn’t need a search input box. Show a search that is light weight. Generally, build something [...]

Elasticsearch: Indexing SQL databases. The easy way.

Elasticsearch is a great search engine, flexible, fast and fun. So how can I get started with it? This post will go through how to get contents from a SQL database into Elasticsearch.

Query log analysis – using logstash, elasticsearch and kibana

As a search consultant I need to understand how a search application is used with the end goal of providing a better search experience for the end user. That story can come from many places and part of that story can be found in the query logs. Analyzing query logs brings insight into how a search application [...]


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Øvre Slottsgate 27
NO-0157 Oslo,
+47 22 33 71 00
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Search Provider Sverige AB
Gamla Brogatan 34
SE-11 120 Stockholm
+46 8-21 49 00
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