
Replacing FAST ESP with Elasticsearch at Posten

First, some background A few years ago Comperio launched a nifty service for Posten Norge, Norway’s postal service. Through the service, retail companies can upload their catalogues and seasonal flyers to make the products listed within searchable. Although the catalogue handling and processing is also very interesting, we’re going to focus on the search side [...]

ComperioFrokost 21. januar

Inspirasjon og kundeerfaringer Takk til alle som valgte å bruke morgenen på å høre et par av våre kunder komme med konkrete erfaringer fra sine prosjekter, og få litt inspirasjon til hvordan håndtere sine egne informasjonsutfordringer. Det var mange blide ansikt og gode tilbakemeldinger etter seminaret. Agenda for seminaret finnes her Se presentasjonene fra foredragene   [...]

ComperioFrokost 17. oktober

Takk til alle 65 deltakerne på vårt frokostseminar på Continental i morges!
Noen utvalgte bilder fra arrangementet.

Bygger søkesystemer for næringslivet

If you are a new graduate, or about to graduate, and wondering what is it like to be working with search technology at Comperio, read this interview with UiO (University of Oslo): For eksempel kan jeg hjelpe et selskap med å lage bedre søk for å finne informasjon internt i organisasjonens datasystem. Det første jeg [...]

Comperio @ UiO

Comperio is always looking for talented people who are passionate about search technology.  Last week, we visited the Department of Informatics at UiO (University of Oslo) to present how we, as Comperians, provide innovative search solutions. Before the presentation we had a stand and met many computer science students who asked questions about everything from [...]

Hot off the press – the FAST Search for SharePoint bible (co-authored by Comperio’s Marcus Johansson)

Comperio consultant, Marcus Johansson, co-authors ‘Working with Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint’. As most search techies will testify, the life of a consultant working on complex enterprise search projects with large customers, can be quite a demanding one. To commit to investing personal time, outside of all this project work is, to put [...]

Hard Job Keeping Search Technology in Norway

I found this interview (article from Nov. 2011) with the Director of Microsoft’s Enterprise Search Group, Bjørn Olstad on Below is an English summary of the main points, along with some elbaorations. Dr. Olstad speaks on how Norway is a hotbed for search technology development and this search ecosystem has it’s source at NTNU in [...]


Comperio AS
Øvre Slottsgate 27
NO-0157 Oslo,
+47 22 33 71 00
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Search Provider Sverige AB
Gamla Brogatan 34
SE-11 120 Stockholm
+46 8-21 49 00
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