
Search driven websites

Search driven sites lets the reader find what they need on their own premises, not the architect’s! This year’s summer internship program has been centered around the concept “Search driven websites”. Over the course of the summer we’ve gone from a concept and a vision to a prototype website, and we’d like to share the potential [...]

Redesigning Netflix – using the Phi spiral

Last week my colleague, Espen Klem, wrote a post about designing a better search result using a visual relevancy-hierarchy building on the Phi spiral. I thought I’d test it out. I decided to use a website that lots of people use – or at least; a kind of page that people could relate to. So I [...]

SharePoint 2013 Search internals: The Ceres shell

SharePoint 2013 continues assimilating the FAST ESP search engine.  In FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint, the remains of ESP were still visible, and in part available for modification. In SharePoint 2013, you must search hard to find any mentions of FAST or ESP.  Most options for modifying the internal operations of search are locked down, much to the [...]

Hot off the press – the FAST Search for SharePoint bible (co-authored by Comperio’s Marcus Johansson)

Comperio consultant, Marcus Johansson, co-authors ‘Working with Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint’. As most search techies will testify, the life of a consultant working on complex enterprise search projects with large customers, can be quite a demanding one. To commit to investing personal time, outside of all this project work is, to put [...]

Super Fast Image Search with JSON, JQuery and Flickr

Here is a way to build up a really simple image search application using HTML, CSS and JQuery. One thing that can be improved about most image search apps is that browsing search history is sloooow. This image search app provides a neat solution to the history/speed issue by simply displaying results in a push-pop [...]

Hard Job Keeping Search Technology in Norway

I found this interview (article from Nov. 2011) with the Director of Microsoft’s Enterprise Search Group, Bjørn Olstad on Below is an English summary of the main points, along with some elbaorations. Dr. Olstad speaks on how Norway is a hotbed for search technology development and this search ecosystem has it’s source at NTNU in [...]

Five quick design improvements to your search design

OK. I know you want it. Quick fixes to make your search results look better. These five points will not give you a perfect or necessarily user friendly search results page … but maybe it will be a bit better than before. 1. Enlarge your search box! Why are you hiding it ? Screenshot:  [...]

User-friendly design in my grocery store

How can you make your search solution easier to use for your users? By trying to understand how they think, and what their challenges are. Yesterday I went to the store to buy oregano and pizza seasoning mix, amongst other things. Usually I use two or three hours in front of the seasoning shelves to [...]

Deleting a Federated Location via the API

I’m working on a SharePoint feature which will automatically add a federated search location on feature activation and which will delete it on de-activation. To accomplish this I use the Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchServiceApplication class, and more specifically the AddNewLocationConfiguration and DeleteLocationConfiguration methods. I tried to use the same methods of the SearchServiceApplicationProxy first, but there seems to [...]

Search and you shall find “Magnus something-or-other”

At a party, it’s not rare to get to a point in the conversation where you are unsure of the facts. We can either sit and ponder for hours, or we can pick up the smartphone and find the answer. That’s how it should work at the workplace as well. Lately, there have been some [...]


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+47 22 33 71 00
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Search Provider Sverige AB
Gamla Brogatan 34
SE-11 120 Stockholm
+46 8-21 49 00
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