
User Experience for the Recipe App on Ipads and Android Tablets

More than half the traffic for the recipe site we’re indexing comes from Ipads and Android Tablets. Because of this we’ve chosen to do pad first, mobile second and regular laptop/desktop third. So first up are Ipads and Android Tablets. Recipe App User Experience on Ipads and Androids How to sort the result set The [...]

How to visualize absolute search result quality

Earlier, I’ve looked into how I could use the Phi spiral to possibly get a better display of what’s most relevant in a search result. A former colleague of mine, Johannes Hoff Holmedahl, did a quick test on the theory, and it may actually work. For the recipe app I want to do something slightly [...]

Idea: search server running inside browser

Got an idea to use the browser as a virtual machine for Forage Forage is Fergus McDowall’s pet project: A search server written in JavaScript and based on Node.js and LevelDB. Since it’s JavaScript, and HTML5 local storage has the same key/value storage as levelDB (HTML5 local storage for Chrome actually is levelDB) it has the [...]

Tech choices for the seasonal recipes app: A skeleton architecture for working with search relevancy

Although the concepts and sketches for the recipe app are the absolute best of the best, we were unfortunately forced to realize that an actual search solution must take the step down from the platonic world of pure ideas and into the hideous, gory and appalling world of bits, slime and bytes. 

Elasticsearch: Indexing SQL databases. The easy way.

Elasticsearch is a great search engine, flexible, fast and fun. So how can I get started with it? This post will go through how to get contents from a SQL database into Elasticsearch.

How to monetize with a zero result strategy!

In Comperio, we create and develop a lot of interesting search solutions for our customers. The UX designers do user interviews, create personas, user stories, concepts analysis and interaction design. The developers follow up with content analysis, installation of software, configuration, development, and a lot of relevancy tuning: “How can we ensure that the right [...]

Comperio @ UiO

Comperio is always looking for talented people who are passionate about search technology.  Last week, we visited the Department of Informatics at UiO (University of Oslo) to present how we, as Comperians, provide innovative search solutions. Before the presentation we had a stand and met many computer science students who asked questions about everything from [...]

Elasticsearch smashtime

Last week, Comperio went to the University of Oslo to give the informatics students a brief introduction to elasticsearch and Kibana, so we tweeted and indexed our tweets in addition to many other tweets. Our tutorial, “smashtime”, is based on Simon Willnauer’s tutorial “hammertime” (hence the name), however we introduced some changes to make it [...]

Ideas on user driven content and search

What do you do when you have  a lot of content, but not many users interacting with it? Ideas for Comoyo on how to go from boring lists to a suggestion engine, letting the users do the heavy lifting. User driven content and search Check out the presentation on LinkedIn: “Ideas on how to find [...]

Norch is changing its name to Forage

“Norch” appears to be a colloquialism in some far flung corners of the Globe, and this unfortunate semantic mixup was slowing adoption of the otherwise excellent search server formally known as Norch. Henceforth, said search server shall be known as Forage. Check it out here and update all favourites and bookmarks accordingly. In related news, [...]


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Øvre Slottsgate 27
NO-0157 Oslo,
+47 22 33 71 00
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Search Provider Sverige AB
Gamla Brogatan 34
SE-11 120 Stockholm
+46 8-21 49 00
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