Using a trusted Certificate Authority with FSIS

FAST Search for Internet Sites (FSIS) uses certificate-based security for internal communication, as well as for talking to external applications who want to query the index. The default installation optionally creates and configures a self-signed CA, and issues all necessary certificates. This is handy for development and test installations, when it might not be possible [...]

The corporate mashup

Let’s face it. Every developer has at some point produced something that was just right. Something we really put our heart and soul into. An extremely useful tool, a beautiful and useful web site, the most awesome piece of documentation ever written. But after delivery, it turned out that no one used it. We’ve all [...]

Running low on RAM with the FAST Search Database Connector?

In FS4SP, the FAST Search Database Connector is one of three specialized indexing connectors. In other words, they are specific to FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint (FS4SP), and not available if  you are “just” running SharePoint Server 2010. For those of us who have been working with ESP, the FAST Search Database Connector is [...]

Using internal rank metrics in external search engines

…and how the hidden web can be revealed In the current flame war between Google and Bing, there is a good amount of pie-throwing going on around the internet. But in the process, some very interesting tech stuff has surfaced as well. We’ve got a glimpse on one of the many components Bing is using [...]

How to enable WCF tracing in FSIS

When developing client applications using WCF, you’re bound to sooner or later encounter the dreaded “The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error”. This means that the web service threw an unhandled exception, and if you don’t have access to the service itself, you’re simply just out of luck. But [...]

FAST Search for Internet Sites

FAST Search Server 2010 for Internet Sites (FSIS) was released previously this fall, and the first implementations are already well under way. Here at Comperio, we are in the final phases of rolling out our first FSIS-based solution for a customer in Sweden. For the first time since Microsoft’s acquisition of FAST, the broad audience [...]


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+47 22 33 71 00
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Search Provider Sverige AB
Gamla Brogatan 34
SE-11 120 Stockholm
+46 8-21 49 00
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