
Analysing Solr logs with Logstash

Analysing Solr logs with Logstash Although I usually write about and work with Apache Solr, I also use the ELK stack on a daily basis on a number of projects. If you’re not familiar with Solr, take a look at some of my previous posts. If you need some more background info on the ELK [...]

How to develop Logstash configuration files

Installing logstash is easy. Problems arrive only once you have to configure it. This post will reveal some of the tricks the ELK team at Comperio has found helpful.

How to monetize with a zero result strategy!

In Comperio, we create and develop a lot of interesting search solutions for our customers. The UX designers do user interviews, create personas, user stories, concepts analysis and interaction design. The developers follow up with content analysis, installation of software, configuration, development, and a lot of relevancy tuning: “How can we ensure that the right [...]


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