
Three new Comperians at the Oslo office

We are very happy to introduce three new Comperians to our Oslo office! Search consultants Sebastian, Ivar and Martin are ready to join our journey towards a search-driven world. Sébastien Muller comes to the company from the position as project leader in Findwise and will work as a consultant and advisor to Comperio customers. He will also [...]

Introducing Solrstrap: A blazing fast tool for querying Solr in a Googleish fashion

I have just made the first (unnumbered) release of Solrstrap available on github Solrstrap is a Query-Result interface for Solr- it is intended to be a starting point for those building web interfaces that talk to Solr, or a very lightweight admin tool for querying Solr in a Googleish fashion. Cool things about Solrstrap: [...]

Using Handlebars.js To Display Results From Solr- A Primer

Handlebars.js is a really great way to render search results from Solr. Handlebars.js has become the defacto standard for templating in JavaScript, filling the void left from the abandonment and non-replacement of the jQuery template project. Handlebars.js is an implementation of the mighty platform-independant mustache project JavaScript templating makes it a lot easier to implement [...]

Solr and Javascript Templating (Solr meetup presentation, September 2012)

Here is a copy of the short presentation I gave at the Solr meetup on the 4th September 2012. Read it if you want a really high level view of the cost, performance, and functional benefits of using Javascript templates to create search applications. One of the live demos has also been uploaded here to [...]


Comperio AS
Øvre Slottsgate 27
NO-0157 Oslo,
+47 22 33 71 00
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Search Provider Sverige AB
Gamla Brogatan 34
SE-11 120 Stockholm
+46 8-21 49 00
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