SharePoint conference 2012 keynote: raising the bar for Enterprise Search

A little after 8:30 this morning, Jared Spataro, Senior Director of SharePoint, opened this year’s SharePoint Conference (SPC) to the sound of 10,000 SharePoint geeks simultaneously tapping away on their devices, furiously making #SPC12 the trending topic on Twitter.

The release of SharePoint 2013 is touted by Microsoft as a bridge from the past to the future; a pivotal shift from server- and wave-based releases to a rapid release cycle, combining the muscles from the cloud, fresh design principles and Enterprise Social technology. They’re proud, and they should be.


In the keynote, Microsoft also revealed some of the rationale behind the recent acquisition of Yammer, seeing how it complements SharePoint’s strong document-management skills with Yammer’s deep expertise in making the enterprise more social.

Jeff Teper, another high-profile SharePoint executive, told the crowds that over the last three years, Microsoft’s engineering team has centralized their effort around three important pillars: Experiences, Innovation and Ecosystem. This shows off in a dramatically improved user experience, better development tools and a completely revamped application model paving the way for us partner companies to more rapidly and with more flexibility deploy innovative applications in the cloud.

Another consistent theme throughout the keynote, was how Search now has a bigger role across SharePoint and throughout the Microsoft stack. FAST is now fully integrated, and the new search core drives both content and recommendations throughout the suite.

We now have a much better baseline when implementing Search technology in the enterprise. Hopefully this is finally the time when custom implementations of Enterprise Search will stop ending up as just a search box, and instead unleash the potential of Your organization’s accumulated knowledge and tackle today’s overwhelming growth of information.

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