Norch is changing its name to Forage

“Norch” appears to be a colloquialism in some far flung corners of the Globe, and this unfortunate semantic mixup was slowing adoption of the otherwise excellent search server formally known as Norch.

Henceforth, said search server shall be known as Forage. Check it out here and update all favourites and bookmarks accordingly.

In related news, Nor.. sorry Forage is now 10% as popular as Solr on Github. Thanks to all users and contributors who are putting Forage through its paces. We love you.

Article written by

Fergus McDowall
Senior Consultant at Comperio. Dedicated emacs user.

3 response to: «Norch is changing its name to Forage»

  1. January 30, 2015 at 17:39 | Permalink

    Can we use this module to take data from mysql ? (if yes , some examples please , and thanks )

  2. February 4, 2015 at 10:34 | Permalink

    It’s back to Norch again. Norch is a search enigne, written in JavaScript:

    The actual search index is named Search-index.

    And someone has made a Loopback to Search-index connector.

    Loopback can be connected to a lot of stuff, among them: MySQL.

    So, yes, in a way =)

    If you’re looking for MySQL to Elasticsearch, check out this blog post:
    Elasticsearch: Indexing SQL databases. The easy way

  3. February 4, 2015 at 11:14 | Permalink

    Hi TheXLearner

    You can do something like this:

    AS json FROM users;

    To get


    An then index in the standard way. Maybe this warrants its own blog post.

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